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A service that receives events from Mist Systems Administration via webhooks and pushes relevant events into Argus.
Produktteam CNaaS (Campus Network as a Service)
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Web interface to measurement points with yt throughput, iperf and traceroute
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Automates deployment of the mist-argus glue service to our PaaS
Produktteam CNaaS (Campus Network as a Service)
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Scripts to collect and report crude reports from Measurement Points (MP) Web reports, kibana and graphite logs
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Cribrum is a multi-media displaying software which enables you to load, arrange and play multiple videos/images simultaneously on multiple screens. The software is also capable of playing sound and moving Windows windows.
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Web interface to measurement points with yt throughput, iperf and traceroute
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Radsecproxy pakket for Debian, brukt på eduroam-tjenerne til UNINETT
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OpenStreetMap caching proxy containing multiple map styles, and demos. Available on maps.paas.uninett.no.
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Computes packet stream quality statistics for UDP/RTP from network or captured files (pcap).
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Arne Øslebø / mapi
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterMAPI, or Monitoring API, is a multi-user programming interface designed to simplify the development of network monitoring software and allows users to express their monitoring needs in a device-independent way.
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Processing of datasets provided by the RIPE Atlas Internet measurement network.